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Terraform Alternative

Optimize infrastructure management with an opinionated and integrated alternative to Terraform

Konfig offers a compelling alternative to Terraform by refining the process of infrastructure management through a controller-native model. With Konfig, you can manage your cloud resources without the operational complexities of Terraform, benefiting from automatic drift correction, built-in state management, and a strong focus on GitOps workflows. Designed to reduce manual intervention and enhance governance, Konfig provides a more efficient and secure way to manage your cloud infrastructure.

This opinionated-but-flexible approach lets your engineers start working more productively, enabling them to focus on product and feature development rather than infrastructure configuration. Where Konfig's opinions are limiting, it provides escape hatches that allow you to bypass them.

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Terraform Alternative

Automatic Drift Correction

Benefit from Konfig's automated reconciliation of infrastructure, ensuring that your cloud resources remain consistent with your desired state without the need for manual intervention.

Visual Infrastructure as Code

Manage your cloud infrastructure visually from the Konfig UI, making it easier to understand, edit, and track your infrastructure configurations across environments all while following a GitOps model.

Organizational Golden Paths

Resource templates allow you to provide a golden path to data engineers by enforcing standards and guard rails around architecture, tech stack, and infrastructure configuration.

Streamlined State Management

Avoid the headaches of Terraform's state files with Konfig's built-in state management that eliminates the need for complex backend setups and removes the risk associated with sensitive state file information.

GitOps Integration

Manage infrastructure using GitOps, allowing for version control, easy rollbacks, and transparent audit trails, all integrated into Konfig's workflow.

Escape Hatches

Konfig provides an opinionated starting point with best practices built in, but when those opinions become limiting it offers escape hatches that let you bypass them. The result is a solid foundation with the flexibility needed to grow.