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Ready to try a governance-driven approach to cloud?

DevOps doesn't have to be the wild west. Platform Engineering doesn't have to be a pipe dream. With Konfig, you can tame the chaos of cloud through enterprise standards and governance and get back to doing what matters for your business.

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An enterprise-grade, integrated cloud platform without the large, ongoing investment to build and support it. Focus on what matters most to your business.

Improve governance
& eliminate sprawl

Security and governance managed through GitOps allows your organization to provide golden paths—enforced standards for architecture, tech stack, and infrastructure configuration.

Secure your
cloud environment

Reduce cyber risk by ensuring least-privileged access is enforced and automatic. No keys or credentials are ever involved, and overly permissive IAM is a thing of the past.

Do more with less
& ship faster

Reallocate resources to shipping value and accelerate the speed at which you can deliver software and features to customers. Turn your platform or operations teams into force multipliers.

Streamline infrastructure

Infrastructure is provisioned and automatically reconciled—eliminating configuration drift and simplifying your infrastructure as code. Say goodbye to Terraform and hello to a more streamlined approach to IaC.

Become a product-
centric organization

A product-aligned structure models your organization's product lines, value streams, or business units, enabling you to modernize how you develop software through domain-driven design.